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The Municipal Services Department uses a wide variety of methods to present information about services and programs provided by the Department.

For information about any of the following educational methods, please call our office at (816) 325-7711.

The Department publishes articles on wastewater treatment, sanitary and storm sewer maintenance and repair, the household hazardous waste program, protection of the environment, and pollution prevention on social media and CityScene, a quarterly newsletter for citizens.

There is a growing concern that an increasing number of people are flushing unused, unwanted, or expired medications down the drain or toilet. Other sources may be hospitals, medical facilities, nursing homes, and vet clinics. This is a problem because it results in more compounds finding their way into the nation’s wastewater facilities.

Did you know that every day the average adult uses nine personal care products (such as shampoo, toothpaste, perfume, sunscreens, cosmetics, etc.) containing 126 unique compounds that could end up in our water? Add this to medications that include drugs such as hormones, antidepressants, and antibiotics and over-the-counter medications like pain relievers, cold/flu remedies, and antiseptics and you can see why disposal could be a problem.

The old accepted practice of flushing these products down the toilet is bad for our environment – the ground, water and air around us. Controlling what goes down the drain is the easiest and most effective way to protect the environment. Most wastewater treatment plants do not remove these contaminants: they are designed to remove conventional pollutants, such as suspended solids and organic materials.

Early signs of the problem were discovered in research conducted by the US Geological Survey (USGS) in 1999. Of the 60 pharmaceuticals the agency was testing for, it found 30 in 139 streams in 30 states. In addition, 80 percent of the streams had one or more contaminants, 54 percent had five or more, and 13 percent showed 20 or more.

We are asking citizens to do their part to keep pharmaceuticals out of the environment by never flushing them down the toilet or drain unless the label specifically instructs you to do so. The public can practice certain safety habits when disposing of them in the trash. If placing in the trash, which will go to a landfill, use the following Federal Guidelines from the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

  1. Take your prescription drugs out of their original containers.
  2. Mix drugs with an undesirable substance, such as cat litter or used coffee grounds. You may also crush pills and dilute liquid medicines in water first, then add them to the litter or used coffee grounds. This will keep children, pets and others out of the medicine and find it less attractive.
  3. Put this mixture into a disposable container with a lid, such as an empty margarine tub, or into a sealable bag.
  4. Conceal or remove any personal information, including Rx number, on the empty containers by covering it with black permanent marker or duct tape, or by scratching it off.
  5. Place the sealed container with the mixture, and the empty drug containers, in the trash.

A big question is what kind of environmental consequences does disposal of drugs pose to the ecosystems, and maybe in the long term, even to human health. There has been documented hormone disruption in fish and a reduction in the ability to fight off infection in animals and fish. According to the EPA, a major objective is a proactive versus a reactive approach to this emerging environment issue.

Some pharmacies might have a take-back program set up to take your old and unwanted medication. Call your pharmacy to see if they offer this service. Never give old medication away to family or friends. A prescription that was right for you might seriously harm another.

More information on these topics is available at the following Websites:

Citizens can also call Municipal Services at (816) 325-7711 for more information.

The City encourages the use of rain barrels and rain gardens to capture or redirect stormwater. Reducing the amount of stormwater entering the stormsewer system helps reduce flooding. Captured rainwater can be used during dry periods reducing the amount of potable water needed for lawns and gardens. 

Rain barrels can be commercially bought or homemade. Installation of a rain barrel is relatively easy and involves only a few hand tools and simple materials.

Tools and materials needed

  • Hacksaw or tin snips
  • Two or more concrete cinder blocks
  • Gravel for leveling (optional)
  • Measuring tape
  • Rain barrel
  • Shovel (optional)


  • Determine an area next to a downspout that is relatively level and close to the plants that will be watered
  • Level the ground using a shovel and gravel to make a firm base
  • Use concrete cinder blocks to support the rain barrel and elevate it. This makes it easier to get water out
  • Measure and cut the downspout above the rain barrel so water can be redirected into the barrel using a flexible down spout extender or other downspout fittings (keep cut downspout pieces)
  • Make sure the rain barrel has an overflow hose installed and directed way from the house. Rain barrels fill up fast and extra water will need some place to go 

In the fall you will want to empty, disconnect, and cover or store your rain barrel in a location where it will not fill up with water and freeze. This may damage the barrel. Reconnect the original cut off piece of downspout until spring when you reinstall your rain barrel.  

Additional information regarding how to build your own rain barrels can be found at

Tours of the Rock Creek Waste Treatment Facility are offered to the public year round. School groups, engineering students, private citizens, and other agencies are welcome to learn more about our wastewater treatment plant.

Presentations to grade school students in the classroom are done by staff members on request. Topics are wastewater treatment, pollution prevention, sanitary and stormwater sewers, and the household hazardous waste program.